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Gyártási dátum:2024.06.24.

Glue Barbara Fast clear 5 ml


Színe:   átlátszó

Mennyiség:5 ml

Száradási idő: 1 mp

Minimális szaga és minimális párolgási szintje van.

Időtartam/tartósság: 8 hét.


Glue for masters of eyelash extension with the extensive experience.
Color: transparent.
Volume: 5ml
Professional glue for eyelash extensions.
Set time: immediate.
Duration: 8 weeks.

Fast Clear is professional glue for eyelash extensions, has fast fixation time. The glue was created to use it for eyelash extension of colored, brown lashes and lash decorating. Has a minimal smell and minimum level of evaporation. Economical in use.
Resistant to changes in environmental conditions, such as humidity and air temperature, does not require special storage conditions.

Store in a cool dark place, do not store in the refrigerator. After opening the glue shelf life is two months.
Made in South Korea.

BARBARA FAST CLEAR 5ml termékről 1 értékelés

  1. Ivett Horváth (megerősített tulajdonos)

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